Beware of SEO Providers Who…

SEO providers who can get you in trouble with Google and other major search engines aren’t that difficult to recognise if you know the basics of search engine optimisation and how the search engines work. Listed below are 5 most obvious signs of trouble. You are highly recommended to politely say no if the provider:

Guarantees the #1 position on Google. As good as it may sound, no one can guarantee the #1 position on Google or other major search engines. You may or may not be ranked first after the campaign; where you will end up depends on several factors including competition. If the competition is tough, you will perhaps have to satisfy yourself with the position #1 only on the second page of search engine results pages (SERP).

Promises to improve your SERP ranking in a mater of days. Many websites need months or even years to achieve a significant “jump” in SERP. This doesn’t mean it isn’t possible to achieve faster results but rather than how soon you will see improvement in SERP ranking, you should ask yourself whether the results will last. Obviously, you won’t benefit from SEO service if your website is later demoted or even removed from search engine indexes due to the use of unethical and manipulative strategies. And this is exactly what is usually the case with extremely fast results.

Claims to make you rich. How much money you will make with your online business doesn’t only depend on your website’s ranking in SERP. The higher it is ranked the more visitors it will receive and the more visitors typically translate into higher sales. But to make your online business a success, you also need to meet your target audience’s expectations. If you fail to stand up to your promises, even the #1 ranking on Google won’t help. Online, the word spreads even faster than offline.

Refuses to reveal what techniques will be used to improve your website’s visibility. Now wait a minute! You are supposed to give them your money without knowing where it’s going and simply trust them that they won’t use any potentially damaging techniques? If the provider refuses to reveal exactly how they intend to improve your website’s SERP ranking, be sure to walk away.

Promises to deliver high quality at an extremely low price. It may be true that quality SEO service doesn’t have to be unaffordable but too-good-to-be-true prices are just that. Too good to be true. If you want quality service, be reasonable about your price expectations.